Well just 2 days ago we officially welcomed spring. In the past week around here we had finally started to see some signs of hope that nice warmer weather was on its way. We could finally see some green grass try to peek it's head out from all the horrible white stuff and some had even started to spot robins again. In Litchfield this morning though you would have never known spring was here because honestly it looked like it was a December day out. We woke up to 7.5 inches of snow and it wasn't done yet. Completely crazy! Besides being a photographer I also work at one of the elementary schools over in Hutchinson and so far all year all we had were a couple of late starts, which was fine by us because we didn't have to make anything up. Honestly thought we were out of the woods with having to make up any days but guess I spoke too quickly considering school was canceled all over the area today! I will admit it was quite pretty but really not at the end of March when we have officially declared it to be spring! :)
This past weekend I finished up a book that I found extremely interesting. It's called "The Shack". A friend of ours lent it to me just last week and it was honestly one of the quickest reads I have had in a long time. I know everyone has their own opinions about what makes a good book and what not but I found this particular book to strike a chord in me. Without giving away too many details it is about a man who's daughter was abducted and killed during a family vacation. The little evidence they have is found deep into the wilderness in a shack. Years later he receives a strange note claiming to be from God. Needless to say he returns to this place that has so many horrible memories attached to it and changes his life forever. I will admit that there are some parts in the book that are a little hard to take because they don't exactly follow how we might think God is physically but the overall meaning of the story is something I think everyone needs to hear in their life. It would be especially moving if there is something in your life right now that you don't know how to overcome or something in your life that leaves you so angry at God you can hardly stand it. The one thing that I can say I took away from it is how no one has the right to judge any person, any situation, or any thing besides God. Our society today, with all the media covering everything 24/7 and twisting everything around, is so quick to judge someone. Whether it's by their clothes, how they talk, their behavior, or even a crime they committed, we all are guilty of casting judgment upon them as if we are worthy of such a thing. The truth behind it is we aren't. There is only one who is worthy of such a thing, and in His time it will be done.
I will be one of the first to admit that I have been one of those people that can judge a person so quickly. Of course there are people who do wrongful acts, and of course here on earth to some degree they need to be punished for their crime, but beyond that we are so not qualified to cast any other judgment on them. Over the past few days since finishing up this book I have caught myself casting 'judgment' on others and have quickly changed my thoughts and reminded myself that I don't know anything about them. So first off I encourage you to check out this book and read it. I'll warn you some parts are different but overall it is an awesome read. Second of all I challenge you to try and change your way of thinking about others, especially those you don't know. Try your hardest to not judge them on anything. After all it's not a job you need to worry about. :)
I know this post was nothing about my work as a photographer but hey, sometimes I have a thought and I roll with it and see what comes out. :)
Happy spring everyone! Hopefully very soon we can all enjoy it!
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