Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 Dream Big

In the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about what is to come in 2011. Pretty normal right, since it is after all recently a brand new year. But to be completely honest I haven't been able to sleep the greatest these past few weeks. My head has been completely swimming and driving me crazy with everything that will be going on this coming year as well as things that hopefully will come to be. I'm one of those people that once I get an idea in my head, I cannot stop thinking about it and want to do something about it RIGHT NOW! :) Writing down the idea itself doesn't stop the thinking process, I have to put the idea into motion.

So what are my ideas for the coming year? I am super excited to have a number of weddings this year with some absolutely amazing couples. They are all pretty different but that's what makes my profession so fun right? Now I know they aren't me getting married but sometimes I feel like I am in the sense that I love getting just as excited as the bride. I love hearing all the details they are thinking about and I start counting down the days with them. This year will be off to a great start because of these couples. They are all in a sense help building the future of Photography By Christine and for that I will always be thankful for. It gives me so much joy when a couple entrusts me with their memories.

Another thing I am so excited about is my website is getting a face lift and should be ready to publish by the end of the week. I am so thankful for Adam Forsberg creating my first ever website but after much thought I wanted to make some changes. Hopefully everyone will share my excitement when I get to announce to the world that it is up and running.

A goal of mine this year is to not only blog about the sessions I have and what is going on in the business, but to also blog about my family's life and all the joys 2011 will bring to us. I want all of my clients to know who I am and that I have the same hopes and dreams as they probably do.

Just last week a photographer had published a blog that really got me thinking. It was titled "WHY" and she went on to ask the question, "Why do we do what we do?" Why do mothers do what they do, why do firemen do what they do ect. It really got me thinking about why I am a photographer and why I love it so much. I am a photographer because I love bringing joy to people. I love getting to capture moments in their life that might be forgotten in the coming years. Moments that they will be able to look back on 15/20 years from now and feel as if they are back in that time period. I love seeing the joy in a groom's face when he sees his bride for the first time on their wedding day. I love seeing the hopes and dreams in a seniors face. I love playing with kids and seeing the love in the parents eyes for them. And on another note I am a photographer for my husband and I's future kids. I know that by owning my own business I will be able to have a flexible schedule as they grow up. They will know how much mommy loves them. I will have a job that they can be proud of their mom for and see the joy in my face and how much I truly love what I do.

I want to thank everyone who has helped me in the past years make my dream come true. I'm not quite where I want to be yet but that's ok. It's always good to keep dreaming. I have been so blessed with so many people that have continued to believe in me even when I felt as if I couldn't do it. No matter what you are doing in your life keep dreaming. Dream big dreams and never let anyone call you crazy or bring you down. Because even if you think the dream is too big sometimes life can surprise you. Travis and I have so many big dreams and we will continue to reach for them. :)