Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Seniors! Seniors! Seniors!!

Hey all! It's getting to be that time of year again! If you are a junior and will be graduating in 2011 NOW is the time to start thinking about your senior photos!! I'm sure this year as flown by just as fast for you as it has for me! It feels like we JUST started the new school year! E-mail me now at petty.christine@hotmail.com to learn about special offers that are going on for this summer! Some of them you won't want to miss but only a select few seniors will be receiving some of them. So hurry, don't wait to call or e-mail! I hope you all are having a fantastic week!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Welcome to my BRAND NEW blog!

I am very excited to not only launch my BRAND NEW website this week but I am also launching this BRAND NEW blog! Here all of my family, friends, clients, prospective clients, and whoever else will be able to view sneak peaks at brand new photo shoots, hear about specials, and exciting new things in store!
This next year will hopefully bring about some amazing things for me. As many of you know I moved to the good ole' state of MN last summer with my hubby. That brought about a lot of unknowns. I knew absolutely no one in the town we moved to and in some ways that was a good thing, but at the same time it has led to a slow start to me getting my name out there! I hope the next year brings me MANY new clients who will let me into their lives and that I can get to know.
As a little treat, here is one of my favorite images I took at a photo shoot last summer with a good friend and her boyfriend! Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to post soon!