Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Introducing Ella Irene Myers! 8.12.10

I am very happy and excited to introduced this beautiful bundle of joy!!! She is the gorgeous new daughter of our dear friends Nolan and Jenny. We have been anticipating her arrival for what feels like forever!! Last night we decided to do a quick non formal session of this beautiful baby. Mom had an idea in mind she wanted for a photo and we were bound and determined to get that photo. Dad didn't think it was going to work at first but we got it! And needless to say Daddy got peed on in the process! Enjoy some photos of this gorgeous little one! I've even included a special one of me and my husband welcoming the new little one at the hospital! :) Congrats Jenny and Nolan!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"The Journey Is The Reward" Wedding 8.9.10

On 8.9.10 I went to Sioux Falls to photograph a truly special and touching wedding. I grew up with the family in my home church since I was little. My mom is really good friends with the Grooms mother, and I must admit I got closer to the family in the past year. Last year I made a deal with the Groom's brother so he would do my website and ever since the family has let me know how much they believe in me and that is something I truly cherish about them.

The past year or so has been especially hard on the family due to the Groom's father being diagnosed with cancer. They thought he had finally beat it but sadly earlier this year, found out that wasn't the case. The couple had wanted to get married next year, 9.10.11 but due to his dad becoming increasingly sick decided to bump up the wedding to this August. Through the past couple months I have watched and read how incredibly close this family is, how remarkable they all are with everything they are going through. Unfortunately, the Groom's father did not make it to the wedding, he had died 2 weeks prior. His motto was "The Journey is the Reward" and through his journey, he taught everyone that knew him an incredible lesson.

On 8.9.10, the wedding went on and it was a fantastic day, incredibly hot, but beautiful all the same. I was completely honored to be apart of it. I know John Forsberg Sr. was looking down on the entire day, and there was actually one point where the Groom said, "OK Dad we could use some clouds down here," and within 30 minutes, we had cloud cover. Here are a few of my favorites from the day. Enjoy and try to remember, "The Journey is the Reward"!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seniors: Kayla Tronick

On Tuesday night I had an amazing photo shoot with Kayla who is going to be a senior in Hutchinson, MN. She is an awesome volleyball player who will be attending Kentucky University in a year and a half. Here are just a few favorites from the shoot.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Attenion all upcoming Seniors!

Know someone who will be a senior next year? Be sure to tell them about our Senior Special right now, book your session for anytime in June & receive 30% off your entire senior package! All sessions done on location where YOU want! Call now to book! 605/359-3699. Discount not valid with any other offers.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What a weekend!!!

What a fun busy weekend we had here in MN!! First off, we got our kitchen remodel 1/2 finished. Everything is in except the floors, as well as I got to go on a fun photo shoot with this handsome young man. Johnathon is a 7th grader but he sure doesn't look like it! I also got the privilege of hanging out with the sweetheart that is Hannah. Mom & Dad enjoy this couple of sneak peak photos! And thanks again for letting me do this for you guys!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Seniors! Seniors! Seniors!!

Hey all! It's getting to be that time of year again! If you are a junior and will be graduating in 2011 NOW is the time to start thinking about your senior photos!! I'm sure this year as flown by just as fast for you as it has for me! It feels like we JUST started the new school year! E-mail me now at to learn about special offers that are going on for this summer! Some of them you won't want to miss but only a select few seniors will be receiving some of them. So hurry, don't wait to call or e-mail! I hope you all are having a fantastic week!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Welcome to my BRAND NEW blog!

I am very excited to not only launch my BRAND NEW website this week but I am also launching this BRAND NEW blog! Here all of my family, friends, clients, prospective clients, and whoever else will be able to view sneak peaks at brand new photo shoots, hear about specials, and exciting new things in store!
This next year will hopefully bring about some amazing things for me. As many of you know I moved to the good ole' state of MN last summer with my hubby. That brought about a lot of unknowns. I knew absolutely no one in the town we moved to and in some ways that was a good thing, but at the same time it has led to a slow start to me getting my name out there! I hope the next year brings me MANY new clients who will let me into their lives and that I can get to know.
As a little treat, here is one of my favorite images I took at a photo shoot last summer with a good friend and her boyfriend! Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to post soon!